252 Main Street - P. O. Box 206
Warren, Maine 04864
(207) 273-2338
You are invited to worship with us -to fellowship with us
To experience Gods' Love with us.
"Our purpose is to care and share and glorify the Lord above"
Caring and Sharing Ladies Group
Established September 1989
September 27, 2020 Celebrating 30 years
Current members:
Tina Bryant (VP), Karen Carpenter, Kat Lanphier, Donna Lewis (S), Susan Lombardo (T), Patty Ott, Janice Overlock, Valerie Miller, Patricia Overlock, Susan Overlock, Niva-Jean Poland, Carolyn Robinson (P), Becky Ruggieri, Sonja Wiley, Rev. Bette Bond.
We always welcome new members. Call (207) 273-2338 for more info.
We are channels of God's love, encouraging fellowship. We are dedicated to helping those in need by providing support, reassurance and kindness when needed; by giving monetary donations to supporting agencies like the food pantry; by extending a welcome hand to new faces; and by visiting those who are home bound or those who need a helping hand. By providing care, compassion and concern to all, our heart and soul purpose is to care and share and glorify the Lord above.
President--Carolyn Robinson
Vice-President--Faustina Bryant
Secretary--Donna Lewis
Treasurer--Susan Lombardo
Corresponding Secretary-Kat Lanphier
Meetings: 1st Monday of each month at 6:30 P.M.
Socials: To be announced
Winter Sabbatical - no meetings December, January and February.
A group of caring women who are dedicated to supporting various needs of our church family and community.
To care and share and glorify the Lord above.
Caring & Sharing Sisters
30th Anniversary Celebration
Niva Poland delivering a message